Business IT Support
Are you tired of doing all your own computer fixes and troubleshooting? Are you tired of waiting for your current IT Provider to get back with you?
You’ve got better things to do with you valuable time, such as growing your company, spending time with your family, and getting out of the office…
At GSG, we don’t rely on impersonal ticketing systems and we don’t pass the buck or point the fingers. When you call us for support, your call is answered by one of our technical support team members, who 98% of the time is able to resolve the issue you are having, right then while you are on the phone. No hold times. No phone menu options. No waiting. Within minutes you are right back to work with a smile.
Customized support for your business needs – not a one size fits all solution.
Every business is different, from their size, how they operate, and their growth goals to how they use their technology. So trying to force everyone into the same IT support solution just doesn’t make sense – except for the IT companies who do business that way.
6 Things You Can Expect From Us
Support that is customized for your business needs and goals. Not a “this is how we do business only” option.
Never paying for technology that you don’t really need or want.
Fast, friendly IT support. You can come to our offices and meet the team that takes care of your business.
Unbiased vendor recommendations. We aren’t “tied” to just a few or certain vendors, so you have access to a variety of the best technology, giving you real expert advice based on what your business needs.
A team that knows your business, not just one account rep who you have been assigned to deal with. Your business and staff will never be without assistance.
A variety of technology choices. We work with many technology vendors, not just a few. More challenging for us – but much better for our clients.
Our Services

Managed IT Services
Get proactive support and keep your systems operating problem free. Our managed IT services are tailor made for you and your business needs – we do not believe in a one size fits all solution.

Data Backup and Recovery
If all the data you count on to run your business suddenly disappeared, how long would it take to get back? What if it was gone forever?

Network Security
Small & mid-sized businesses tend to think they aren’t a target. In reality, it’s easier for hackers to go after small to mid-sized businesses due to their relaxed or non-existent security.

24/7 Help & Support Desk Services
When someone in your company has a computer problem, how long do they wait for IT support? We understand that time is money for you and computer problems are highly disruptive to your business. No one should wait. Period.

Emergency Support
Computers rarely fail on a schedule convenient to you – which is why you need an IT Provider who won’t let you down. When something goes wrong with your network, you need it fixed NOW and FAST. Period.

Healthcare IT Support
For the past 20 years, long before every IT Support Company jumped on the “HIPAA” bandwagon, we have been working with healthcare companies to make them more efficient, secure and compliant.